void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::send (const MidiMessage &) |
| Send a MIDI message.
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::send (MidiType inType, DataByte inData1, DataByte inData2, Channel inChannel) |
| Generate and send a MIDI message from the values given.
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::sendNoteOn (DataByte inNoteNumber, DataByte inVelocity, Channel inChannel) |
| Send a Note On message.
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::sendNoteOff (DataByte inNoteNumber, DataByte inVelocity, Channel inChannel) |
| Send a Note Off message.
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::sendProgramChange (DataByte inProgramNumber, Channel inChannel) |
| Send a Program Change message.
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::sendControlChange (DataByte inControlNumber, DataByte inControlValue, Channel inChannel) |
| Send a Control Change message.
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::sendPolyPressure (DataByte inNoteNumber, DataByte inPressure, Channel inChannel) |
| Send a Polyphonic AfterTouch message (applies to a specified note)
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::sendAfterTouch (DataByte inPressure, Channel inChannel) |
| Send a MonoPhonic AfterTouch message (applies to all notes)
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::sendAfterTouch (DataByte inNoteNumber, DataByte inPressure, Channel inChannel) |
| Send a Polyphonic AfterTouch message (applies to a specified note)
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::sendPitchBend (int inPitchValue, Channel inChannel) |
| Send a Pitch Bend message using a signed integer value.
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::sendPitchBend (double inPitchValue, Channel inChannel) |
| Send a Pitch Bend message using a floating point value.
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::sendSysEx (unsigned inLength, const byte *inArray, bool inArrayContainsBoundaries=false) |
| Generate and send a System Exclusive frame.
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::sendTuneRequest () |
| Send a Tune Request message.
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::sendTimeCodeQuarterFrame (DataByte inTypeNibble, DataByte inValuesNibble) |
| Send a MIDI Time Code Quarter Frame.
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::sendTimeCodeQuarterFrame (DataByte inData) |
| Send a MIDI Time Code Quarter Frame.
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::sendSongPosition (unsigned inBeats) |
| Send a Song Position Pointer message.
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::sendSongSelect (DataByte inSongNumber) |
| Send a Song Select message.
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::sendCommon (MidiType inType, unsigned=0) |
| Send a Common message. Common messages reset the running status.
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::sendRealTime (MidiType inType) |
| Send a Real Time (one byte) message.
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::beginRpn (unsigned inNumber, Channel inChannel) |
| Start a Registered Parameter Number frame.
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::sendRpnValue (unsigned inValue, Channel inChannel) |
| Send a 14-bit value for the currently selected RPN number.
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::sendRpnValue (byte inMsb, byte inLsb, Channel inChannel) |
| Send separate MSB/LSB values for the currently selected RPN number.
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::sendRpnIncrement (byte inAmount, Channel inChannel) |
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::sendRpnDecrement (byte inAmount, Channel inChannel) |
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::endRpn (Channel inChannel) |
| Terminate an RPN frame. This will send a Null Function to deselect the currently selected RPN.
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::beginNrpn (unsigned inNumber, Channel inChannel) |
| Start a Non-Registered Parameter Number frame.
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::sendNrpnValue (unsigned inValue, Channel inChannel) |
| Send a 14-bit value for the currently selected NRPN number.
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::sendNrpnValue (byte inMsb, byte inLsb, Channel inChannel) |
| Send separate MSB/LSB values for the currently selected NRPN number.
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::sendNrpnIncrement (byte inAmount, Channel inChannel) |
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::sendNrpnDecrement (byte inAmount, Channel inChannel) |
void | MidiInterface< Transport, _Settings, _Platform >::endNrpn (Channel inChannel) |
| Terminate an NRPN frame. This will send a Null Function to deselect the currently selected NRPN.