central include file for FastLED, defines the CFastLED class/object
void set_max_power_in_milliwatts(uint32_t powerInmW)
Set the maximum power used in watts.
void show_at_max_brightness_for_power()
Similar to CFastLED::show(), but pre-adjusts brightness to keep below the power threshold.
void delay_at_max_brightness_for_power(uint16_t ms)
Similar to CFastLED::delay(), but pre-adjusts brightness to keep below the power threshold.
uint32_t calculate_unscaled_power_mW(const CRGB *ledbuffer, uint16_t numLeds)
Determines how many milliwatts the current LED data would draw at max brightness (255)
void set_max_power_in_volts_and_milliamps(uint8_t volts, uint32_t milliamps)
Set the maximum power used in milliamps for a given voltage.
void set_max_power_indicator_LED(uint8_t pinNumber)
Select a pin with an LED that will be flashed to indicate that power management is pulling down the b...
uint8_t calculate_max_brightness_for_power_vmA(const CRGB *ledbuffer, uint16_t numLeds, uint8_t target_brightness, uint32_t max_power_V, uint32_t max_power_mA)
Determines the highest brightness level you can use and still stay under the specified power budget f...
uint8_t calculate_max_brightness_for_power_mW(const CRGB *ledbuffer, uint16_t numLeds, uint8_t target_brightness, uint32_t max_power_mW)
Determines the highest brightness level you can use and still stay under the specified power budget f...
End of the FastLED namespace.
Start of the FastLED namespace.
Includes defintions for RGB and HSV pixels.
Representation of an RGB pixel (Red, Green, Blue)