24 static uint8_t hue = 0;
26 leds[0] =
CHSV(hue, 255, 255);
Global LED strip management instance.
central include file for FastLED, defines the CFastLED class/object
@ APA102
APA102 LED chipset.
void setBrightness(uint8_t scale)
Set the global brightness scaling.
void show(uint8_t scale)
Update all our controllers with the current led colors, using the passed in brightness.
static CLEDController & addLeds(CLEDController *pLed, struct CRGB *data, int nLedsOrOffset, int nLedsIfOffset=0)
Add a CLEDController instance to the world.
Representation of an HSV pixel (hue, saturation, value (aka brightness)).
Representation of an RGB pixel (Red, Green, Blue)