FastLED 3.9.14
No Matches
fl::XYMap Member List

This is the complete list of members for fl::XYMap, including all inherited members.

constructRectangularGrid(uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint16_t offset=0) (defined in fl::XYMap)fl::XYMapstatic
constructWithLookUpTable(uint16_t width, uint16_t height, const uint16_t *lookUpTable, uint16_t offset=0) (defined in fl::XYMap)fl::XYMapstatic
constructWithUserFunction(uint16_t width, uint16_t height, XYFunction xyFunction, uint16_t offset=0) (defined in fl::XYMap)fl::XYMapstatic
convertToLookUpTable() (defined in fl::XYMap)fl::XYMap
getHeight() const (defined in fl::XYMap)fl::XYMap
getTotal() const (defined in fl::XYMap)fl::XYMap
getType() const (defined in fl::XYMap)fl::XYMap
getWidth() const (defined in fl::XYMap)fl::XYMap
kFunction enum value (defined in fl::XYMap)fl::XYMap
kLineByLine enum value (defined in fl::XYMap)fl::XYMap
kLookUpTable enum value (defined in fl::XYMap)fl::XYMap
kSerpentine enum value (defined in fl::XYMap)fl::XYMap
mapPixels(const CRGB *input, CRGB *output) const (defined in fl::XYMap)fl::XYMap
mapToIndex(uint16_t x, uint16_t y) const (defined in fl::XYMap)fl::XYMap
mapToIndex(int x, int y) const (defined in fl::XYMap)fl::XYMapinline
operator()(uint16_t x, uint16_t y) const (defined in fl::XYMap)fl::XYMapinline
operator=(const XYMap &other)=default (defined in fl::XYMap)fl::XYMap
setRectangularGrid() (defined in fl::XYMap)fl::XYMap
toScreenMap() const (defined in fl::XYMap)fl::XYMap
XYMap(uint16_t width, uint16_t height, bool is_serpentine=true, uint16_t offset=0) (defined in fl::XYMap)fl::XYMap
XYMap(const XYMap &other)=default (defined in fl::XYMap)fl::XYMap
XyMapType enum name (defined in fl::XYMap)fl::XYMap