Color Correction/Temperature | Definitions for color correction and light temperatures |
▼Color Palettes | Functions and class definitions for color palettes |
Palette Classes | Class definitions for color palettes |
Palette Color Functions | Functions to retrieve smooth color data from palettes |
Palette Upscaling Functions | Functions to upscale palettes from one type to another |
Predefined Color Palettes | Stock color palettes, only included when used |
▼Color Utility Functions | A variety of functions for working with color, palettes, and leds |
Color Blending Functions | Functions for blending colors together |
Color Blurring Functions | Functions for blurring colors |
Color Fade Functions | Functions for fading LED arrays |
Color Fill Functions | Functions for filling LED arrays with colors and gradients |
▼Fast Math Functions | Fast, efficient 8-bit math functions specifically designed for high-performance LED programming |
Basic Math Operations | Fast, efficient 8-bit math functions specifically designed for high-performance LED programming |
Dimming and Brightening Functions | Functions to dim or brighten data |
Easing Functions | Specify the rate of change of a parameter over time |
Fast Memory Functions for AVR | Alternatives to memmove, memcpy, and memset that are faster on AVR than standard avr-libc 1.8 |
Fast Random Number Generators | Fast 8-bit and 16-bit unsigned random number generators |
Fast Trigonometry Functions | Fast 8-bit and 16-bit approximations of sin(x) and cos(x) |
Fixed-Point Fractional Types. | Types for storing fractional data |
Float-to-Fixed and Fixed-to-Float Conversions | Functions to convert between floating point and fixed point types |
Integer Mapping Functions | Maps a scalar from one integer size to another |
Linear Interpolation | Fast linear interpolation functions, such as could be used for Perlin noise, etc |
▼Scaling Functions | Fast, efficient 8-bit scaling functions specifically designed for high-performance LED programming |
Scaling Functions that Leave R1 Dirty | These functions are more efficient for scaling multiple bytes at once, but require calling cleanup_R1() afterwards |
Waveform Beat Generators | Waveform generators that reset at a given number of "beats per minute" (BPM) |
Waveform Generators | General purpose wave generator functions |
Gamma Adjustment Functions | Functions for applying gamma adjustments to LED data |
HSV to RGB Conversion Functions | Functions to convert from the HSV colorspace to the RGB colorspace |
Input | |
▼LED Chipset Controllers | Implementations of CLEDController classes for various led chipsets |
Clocked Chipsets | Nominally SPI based, these chipsets have a data and a clock line |
Clockless Chipsets | These chipsets have only a single data line |
▼Noise Functions | Functions to generate and fill arrays with noise |
Noise Fill Functions | Functions to fill a buffer with noise data |
Noise Generation Functions | Functions to generate noise |
Output | |
Pixel Data Sets | Classes for managing logical groups of LEDs |
Pixel Data Types (CRGB/CHSV) | Structs that hold pixel color data |
Power Management Functions | Functions to limit the amount of power used by FastLED |
Thru | |
Timekeeping Functions | Tools for tracking and working with time |