FastLED 3.7.8
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SoftwareSPIOutput< _DATA_PIN, _CLOCK_PIN, _SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER > Class Template Reference

Detailed Description

template<uint8_t _DATA_PIN, uint8_t _CLOCK_PIN, uint32_t _SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER>

Software SPI output.

Definition at line 45 of file fastspi.h.

#include <fastspi.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for SoftwareSPIOutput< _DATA_PIN, _CLOCK_PIN, _SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER >:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from AVRSoftwareSPIOutput< _DATA_PIN, _CLOCK_PIN, _SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER >
 AVRSoftwareSPIOutput ()
 Default constructor.
 AVRSoftwareSPIOutput (Selectable *pSelect)
 Constructor with selectable for SPI chip select.
void setSelect (Selectable *pSelect)
 Set the pointer for the SPI chip select.
void init ()
 Set the clock/data pins to output and make sure the chip select is released.
void select ()
 Select the SPI output (chip select)
void release ()
 Release the SPI chip select line.
void writeBytesValue (uint8_t value, int len)
 Write multiple bytes of the given value over SPI.
void writeBytes (FASTLED_REGISTER uint8_t *data, int len)
 Write an array of data to the SPI interface.
void writeBytes (FASTLED_REGISTER uint8_t *data, int len)
 Write an array of data to the SPI interface.
void writePixels (PixelController< RGB_ORDER > pixels, void *context=NULL)
 Write LED pixel data to the SPI interface.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from AVRSoftwareSPIOutput< _DATA_PIN, _CLOCK_PIN, _SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER >
static void stop ()
 Stop the SPI output.
static void wait ()
 Wait until the SPI subsystem is ready for more data to write.
static void waitFully ()
 Wait until the SPI subsystem is ready for more data to write.
static void writeByteNoWait (uint8_t b)
 Write a single byte over SPI without waiting.
static void writeBytePostWait (uint8_t b)
 Write a single byte over SPI and wait afterwards.
static void writeWord (uint16_t w)
 Write a word (two bytes) over SPI.
static void writeByte (uint8_t b)
 Write a single byte over SPI.
static void writeBit (uint8_t b)
 Write the BIT'th bit out via SPI, setting the data pin then strobing the clock.
static void writeBytesValueRaw (uint8_t value, int len)
 Write multiple bytes of the given value over SPI, without selecting the interface.

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