►Nanimartrix_detail | |
Cmodulators | |
Coscillators | |
Crender_parameters | |
Crgb | |
►Nfl | Implements a simple red square effect for 2D LED grids |
C_DrawContext | |
CAnimartrix | |
CAnimartrixEntry | ################################################## Details with the implementation of Animartrix |
CArrayDeleter | |
CByteStream | |
CByteStreamMemory | |
CCallback | |
CCircularBuffer | |
CCylon | An animation that moves a single LED back and forth (Larson Scanner effect) |
CDefaultLess | |
CDemoReel100 | |
CDigitalPin | |
CDigitalPinImpl | |
CDrawItem | |
Cenable_if | |
Cenable_if< true, T > | |
►CEngineEvents | |
CListener | |
CFakeStrStream | |
CFileHandle | |
CFileSystem | |
CFire2012 | |
CFixedMap | |
CFixedSet | |
CFixedVector | |
CFrame | |
►CFrameInterpolator | |
CLess | |
CFrameTracker | |
►CFsImpl | |
CVisitor | |
CFx | |
CFx1d | |
CFx2d | |
CFxCompositor | |
CFxEngine | Manages and renders multiple visual effects (Fx) for LED strips |
CFxLayer | |
CHeapVector | |
Cis_base_of | |
Cis_base_of_v_helper | |
Cis_pod | |
Cis_pod< bool > | |
Cis_pod< char > | |
Cis_pod< double > | |
Cis_pod< float > | |
Cis_pod< int > | |
Cis_pod< long > | |
Cis_pod< long double > | |
Cis_pod< long long > | |
Cis_pod< short > | |
Cis_pod< signed char > | |
Cis_pod< unsigned char > | |
Cis_pod< unsigned int > | |
Cis_pod< unsigned long > | |
Cis_pod< unsigned long long > | |
Cis_pod< unsigned short > | |
Cis_pod_v_helper | |
Cis_same | |
Cis_same< T, T > | |
Cis_same_v_helper | |
CJsonDocument | |
CLargeBlockAllocator | |
CLUT | |
CNoisePalette | |
CNoiseWave | |
CNullFileHandle | |
CNullFileSystem | |
CObjectFLED | |
CPacifica | |
CPair | |
Cpair_xy | |
CPir | |
CPirAdvanced | |
CPixel | |
CPixels | |
CPixelStream | |
CPointerDeleter | |
CPride2015 | |
CPtr | |
CPtrTraits | |
CRectangularDrawBuffer | |
►CRedSquare | |
CMath | |
CReferent | |
CScaleUp | |
Cscoped_array | |
Cscoped_ptr | |
CScreenMap | |
CSingleton | |
CSlice | |
CSortedHeapMap | |
CSortedHeapVector | |
CStr | |
CStringFormatter | |
CStringHolder | |
CStrN | |
CStrStream | |
CStrStreamHelper | |
CStrStreamHelper< char > | |
CStrStreamHelper< int > | |
CStrStreamHelper< uint8_t > | |
CStrStreamHelper< unsigned int > | |
CTimeFunction | |
CTimeScale | |
CTransition | |
CTwinkleFox | |
CUIButton | |
CUICheckbox | |
CUIDescription | |
CUINumberField | |
CUISlider | |
CUITitle | |
CVideo | |
CVideoFxWrapper | |
CVideoImpl | |
CWeakPtr | |
CWeakReferent | |
CXMap | |
CXYMap | |
►Ngen | |
CHexagonAngle | |
CPoint | |
C__FL_PORT_INFO | Utility template for tracking down information about pins and ports |
CAPA102Controller | APA102 controller class |
CAPA102ControllerHD | APA102 high definition controller class |
CAPA104 | APA104 controller class |
CAPA106 | APA106 controller class |
CAVRSoftwareSPIOutput | Software SPI (aka bit-banging) support Includes aggressive optimizations for when the clock and data pin are on the same port |
Cbitswap_type | Union containing a full 8 bytes to swap the bit orientation on |
CCEveryNMillisDynamic | Create the CEveryNMillisDynamic class for dynamic millisecond intervals |
CCEveryNTime | Time interval checking class |
►CCFastLED | High level controller interface for FastLED |
CClockedChipsetHelper | |
CCHSV | Representation of an HSV pixel (hue, saturation, value (aka brightness)) |
CCHSVPalette16 | HSV color palette with 16 discrete values |
CCHSVPalette256 | HSV color palette with 256 discrete values |
CCHSVPalette32 | HSV color palette with 32 discrete values |
CCLEDController | Base definition for an LED controller |
CCMinWait | Class to ensure that a minimum amount of time has kicked since the last time run - and delay if not enough time has passed yet |
CColor3i | |
CColorAdjustment | |
CColorHSV | |
CColorScheme | |
CColorSelector | |
CCountingButton | |
CCPixelLEDController | Template extension of the CLEDController class |
►CCPixelView | Represents a set of LED objects |
Cpixelset_iterator_base | Iterator helper class for CPixelView |
CCRGB | Representation of an RGB pixel (Red, Green, Blue) |
CCRGBArray | A version of CPixelView<CRGB> with an included array of CRGB LEDs |
CCRGBPalette16 | RGB color palette with 16 discrete values |
CCRGBPalette256 | RGB color palette with 256 discrete values |
CCRGBPalette32 | RGB color palette with 32 discrete values |
CDATA_NOP | Dummy class for output controllers that need no data transformations |
CDefaultPlatform | |
CDefaultSerialSettings | |
CDefaultSettings | Default Settings for the MIDI Library |
CDMXSERIAL | DMX512 based LED controller class, using the DMXSerial library. |
CDMXSerialController | DMX512 based LED controller class, using the DMXSerial library |
CDMXSIMPLE | DMX512 based LED controller class, using the DmxSimple library. |
CDMXSimpleController | DMX512 based LED controller class, using the DmxSimple library |
CDP1903Controller400Khz | DP1903 controller class @ 400 KHz |
CDP1903Controller800Khz | DP1903 controller class @ 800 KHz |
CFastPin | The simplest level of Pin class |
CFastPinBB | FastPin implementation for bit-banded access |
CFrameBuffer | |
CFrameBufferBase | |
CGE8822 | GE8822 controller class |
CGE8822Controller800Khz | GE8822 controller class |
CGS1903 | GS1903 controller class |
CGW6205 | GW6205 controller class |
CGW6205_400 | GW6205_400 controller class |
CGW6205Controller400Khz | GW6205 controller class @ 400 KHz |
CGW6205Controller800Khz | UCS1904 controller class @ 800 KHz |
CHD107Controller | HD107 is just the APA102 with a default 40Mhz clock rate |
CHD107HDController | HD107HD is just the APA102HD with a default 40Mhz clock rate |
CIEEE754binary32_t | Typedef for IEEE754 "binary32" float type internals |
CInputPin | I/O pin initially set to INPUT |
CInterpData | |
Cjust8bits | Structure representing 8 bits of access |
CKey | |
CKeyboardState | |
►Cled_color_component_format_t | LED color component format |
Cformat_layout | |
►Cled_strip_config_t | LED Strip common configurations The common configurations are not specific to any backend peripheral |
Cled_strip_extra_flags | |
Cled_strip_encoder_config_t | Type of led strip encoder configuration |
Cled_strip_encoder_timings_t | LED strip encoder timings |
►Cled_strip_rmt_config_t | LED Strip RMT specific configuration |
Cled_strip_rmt_extra_config | |
Cled_strip_spi_config_t | LED Strip SPI specific configuration |
Cled_strip_t | LED strip interface definition |
CLedColumns | |
CLedRopeInterface | |
CLedRopeTCL | |
CLPD1886 | LPD1886 controller class |
CLPD1886_8BIT | LPD1886_8BIT controller class |
CLPD1886Controller1250Khz | LPD1886 controller class |
CLPD1886Controller1250Khz_8bit | LPD1886 controller class |
CLPD6803Controller | LPD6803 controller class (LPD1101) |
CLPD8806Controller | LPD8806 controller class |
CMessage | |
CMidiInterface | The main class for MIDI handling. It is templated over the type of serial port to provide abstraction from the hardware interface, meaning you can use HardwareSerial, SoftwareSerial or ak47's Uart classes. The only requirement is that the class implements the begin, read, write and available methods |
CMidiShieldButton | |
CNEOPIXEL | LED controller for WS2812 LEDs with GRB color order |
CNoiseGenerator | |
CNOPSPIOutput | A nop/stub class, mostly to show the SPI methods that are needed/used by the various SPI chipset implementations |
COutputPin | I/O pin initially set to OUTPUT |
CP9813Controller | P9813 controller class |
CPainter | |
CPin | Naive fallback solution for low level pin access |
CPixelController | Pixel controller class |
CPixelControllerVtable | |
CPixelIterator | |
CPL9823 | PL9823 controller class |
CPL9823Controller | PL9823 controller class |
CPotentiometer | |
Cqfx | Template class for representing fractional ints |
CREFHardwareSPIOutput | A skeletal implementation of hardware SPI support |
CRgbw | |
CRgbwDefault | |
►CRGBWEmulatedController | |
CControllerT | |
CRgbwInvalid | |
CRgbwWhiteIsOff | |
CRipple | |
CRPN | |
CSelectable | Abstract class for "selectable" things |
CSerialMIDI | |
CSK6812 | SK6812 controller class |
CSK6812Controller | SK6812 controller class |
CSK6822 | SK6822 controller class |
CSK6822Controller | SK6822 controller class |
CSK9822Controller | SK9822 controller class |
CSK9822ControllerHD | SK9822 controller class |
CSM16703 | SM16703 controller class |
CSM16703Controller | SM16703 controller class |
CSM16716Controller | SM16716 controller class |
CSoftwareSPIOutput | Software SPI output |
CSPIOutput | Hardware SPI output |
Csub4 | Structure representing 32 bits of access |
CThru | |
CTimer | |
CTM1803 | TM1803 controller class |
CTM1803Controller400Khz | TM1803 controller class |
CTM1804 | TM1804 controller class |
CTM1809 | TM1809 controller class |
CTM1809Controller800Khz | TM1809 controller class |
CTM1812 | TM1812 controller class |
CTM1829 | TM1829 controller class |
CTM1829Controller800Khz | TM1829 controller class |
CToggleButton | |
CTRGBGradientPaletteEntryUnion | Struct for digesting gradient pointer data into its components |
CUCS1903 | UCS1903 controller class |
CUCS1903B | UCS1903B controller class |
CUCS1903BController800Khz | UCS1903B controller class |
CUCS1903Controller400Khz | UCS1903 controller class @ 400 KHz |
CUCS1904 | UCS1904 controller class |
CUCS1904Controller800Khz | UCS1904 controller class |
CUCS1912 | UCS1912 controller class |
CUCS1912Controller | |
CUCS2903 | UCS2903 controller class |
CUCS2903Controller | UCS2903 controller class |
Cui_state | |
CWS2801Controller | WS2801 controller class |
CWS2803Controller | WS2803 controller class |
CWS2811 | WS2811 controller class |
CWS2811_400 | WS2811_400 controller class |
CWS2811Controller400Khz | WS2811 controller class @ 400 KHz |
CWS2811Controller800Khz | WS2811 controller class @ 800 KHz |
CWS2812 | WS2812 controller class |
CWS2812B | WS2812B controller class |
CWS2812Controller800Khz | WS2812 controller class @ 800 KHz |
CWS2813 | WS2813 controller class |
CWS2813Controller | WS2813 controller class |
CWS2815 | WS2815 controller class |
CWS2815Controller | WS2815 controller class @ 400 KHz |
CWS2816 | WS2816 controller class |
►CWS2816Controller | |
CControllerT | |
CWS2852 | WS2852 controller class |