►Nanimartrix_detail | |
Cmodulators | |
Coscillators | |
Crender_parameters | |
Crgb | |
►Nfl | |
Cenable_if | |
Cenable_if< true, T > | |
Cis_base_of | |
Cis_base_of_v_helper | |
Cis_same | |
Cis_same< T, T > | |
Cis_same_v_helper | |
►Ngen | |
CHexagonAngle | |
CPoint | |
C__FL_PORT_INFO | Utility template for tracking down information about pins and ports |
C_DrawContext | |
CAnimartrix | |
CAPA102Controller | APA102 controller class |
CAPA102ControllerHD | APA102 high definition controller class |
CAPA104 | APA104 controller class |
CAPA106 | APA106 controller class |
CArrayDeleter | |
CAVRSoftwareSPIOutput | Software SPI (aka bit-banging) support Includes aggressive optimizations for when the clock and data pin are on the same port |
Cbitswap_type | Union containing a full 8 bytes to swap the bit orientation on |
CButton | |
CByteStream | |
CByteStreamMemory | |
CCallback | |
CCEveryNMillisDynamic | Create the CEveryNMillisDynamic class for dynamic millisecond intervals |
CCEveryNTime | Time interval checking class |
►CCFastLED | High level controller interface for FastLED |
CClockedChipsetHelper | |
CCheckbox | |
CCHSV | Representation of an HSV pixel (hue, saturation, value (aka brightness)) |
CCHSVPalette16 | HSV color palette with 16 discrete values |
CCHSVPalette256 | HSV color palette with 256 discrete values |
CCHSVPalette32 | HSV color palette with 32 discrete values |
CCircularBuffer | |
CCLEDController | Base definition for an LED controller |
CCMinWait | Class to ensure that a minimum amount of time has kicked since the last time run - and delay if not enough time has passed yet |
CColorAdjustment | |
CCPixelLEDController | Template extension of the CLEDController class |
►CCPixelView | Represents a set of LED objects |
Cpixelset_iterator_base | Iterator helper class for CPixelView |
CCRGB | Representation of an RGB pixel (Red, Green, Blue) |
CCRGBArray | A version of CPixelView<CRGB> with an included array of CRGB LEDs |
CCRGBPalette16 | RGB color palette with 16 discrete values |
CCRGBPalette256 | RGB color palette with 256 discrete values |
CCRGBPalette32 | RGB color palette with 32 discrete values |
CCylon | An animation that moves a single LED back and forth (Larson Scanner effect) |
CDATA_NOP | Dummy class for output controllers that need no data transformations |
CDataStream | |
CDemoReel100 | |
CDescription | |
CDMXSERIAL | DMX512 based LED controller class, using the DMXSerial library. |
CDMXSerialController | DMX512 based LED controller class, using the DMXSerial library |
CDMXSIMPLE | DMX512 based LED controller class, using the DmxSimple library. |
CDMXSimpleController | DMX512 based LED controller class, using the DmxSimple library |
CDP1903Controller400Khz | DP1903 controller class @ 400 KHz |
CDP1903Controller800Khz | DP1903 controller class @ 800 KHz |
►CEngineEvents | |
CListener | |
CFastPin | The simplest level of Pin class |
CFastPinBB | FastPin implementation for bit-banded access |
CFileBuffer | |
CFileHandle | |
CFileSystem | |
CFire2012 | |
►CFixedMap | |
CPair | |
CFixedSet | |
CFixedVector | |
CFrame | |
CFrameInterpolator | |
►CFsImpl | |
CVisitor | |
CFx | |
CFxCompositor | |
CFxEngine | Manages and renders multiple visual effects (Fx) for LED strips |
CFxGrid | |
CFxLayer | |
CFxStrip | |
CGE8822 | GE8822 controller class |
CGE8822Controller800Khz | GE8822 controller class |
CGS1903 | GS1903 controller class |
CGW6205 | GW6205 controller class |
CGW6205_400 | GW6205_400 controller class |
CGW6205Controller400Khz | GW6205 controller class @ 400 KHz |
CGW6205Controller800Khz | UCS1904 controller class @ 800 KHz |
CHighPrecisionInterval | |
CIEEE754binary32_t | Typedef for IEEE754 "binary32" float type internals |
CInputPin | I/O pin initially set to INPUT |
Cjust8bits | Structure representing 8 bits of access |
CLargeBlockAllocator | |
CLPD1886 | LPD1886 controller class |
CLPD1886_8BIT | LPD1886_8BIT controller class |
CLPD1886Controller1250Khz | LPD1886 controller class |
CLPD1886Controller1250Khz_8bit | LPD1886 controller class |
CLPD6803Controller | LPD6803 controller class (LPD1101) |
CLPD8806Controller | LPD8806 controller class |
CLUT | |
CNEOPIXEL | LED controller for WS2812 LEDs with GRB color order |
CNoiseGenerator | |
CNoisePalette | |
CNoiseWave | |
CNOPSPIOutput | A nop/stub class, mostly to show the SPI methods that are needed/used by the various SPI chipset implementations |
CNumberField | |
COutputPin | I/O pin initially set to OUTPUT |
CP9813Controller | P9813 controller class |
CPacifica | |
Cpair_xy | |
CPin | Naive fallback solution for low level pin access |
CPir | |
CPixelController | Pixel controller class |
CPixelControllerVtable | |
CPixelIterator | |
CPL9823 | PL9823 controller class |
CPL9823Controller | PL9823 controller class |
CPointerDeleter | |
CPride2015 | |
Cqfx | Template class for representing fractional ints |
►CRedSquare | |
CMath | |
CRef | |
CReferent | |
CREFHardwareSPIOutput | A skeletal implementation of hardware SPI support |
CRefTraits | |
CRgbw | |
CRgbwDefault | |
CRGBWEmulatedController | |
CRgbwInvalid | |
CRgbwWhiteIsOff | |
CRipple | |
CScaleUp | |
Cscoped_array | |
Cscoped_ptr | |
CScreenMap | |
CSelectable | Abstract class for "selectable" things |
CSingleton | |
CSK6812 | SK6812 controller class |
CSK6812Controller | SK6812 controller class |
CSK6822 | SK6822 controller class |
CSK6822Controller | SK6822 controller class |
CSK9822Controller | SK9822 controller class |
CSK9822ControllerHD | SK9822 controller class |
CSlice | |
CSlider | |
CSM16703 | SM16703 controller class |
CSM16703Controller | SM16703 controller class |
CSM16716Controller | SM16716 controller class |
CSoftwareSPIOutput | Software SPI output |
CSPIOutput | Hardware SPI output |
CStr | |
CStringFormatter | |
CStringHolder | |
CStrN | |
Csub4 | Structure representing 32 bits of access |
CTimer | |
CTimeWarp | |
CTitle | |
CTM1803 | TM1803 controller class |
CTM1803Controller400Khz | TM1803 controller class |
CTM1804 | TM1804 controller class |
CTM1809 | TM1809 controller class |
CTM1809Controller800Khz | TM1809 controller class |
CTM1812 | TM1812 controller class |
CTM1829 | TM1829 controller class |
CTM1829Controller800Khz | TM1829 controller class |
CTransition | |
CTRGBGradientPaletteEntryUnion | Struct for digesting gradient pointer data into its components |
CTwinkleFox | |
CUCS1903 | UCS1903 controller class |
CUCS1903B | UCS1903B controller class |
CUCS1903BController800Khz | UCS1903B controller class |
CUCS1903Controller400Khz | UCS1903 controller class @ 400 KHz |
CUCS1904 | UCS1904 controller class |
CUCS1904Controller800Khz | UCS1904 controller class |
CUCS1912 | UCS1912 controller class |
CUCS1912Controller | |
CUCS2903 | UCS2903 controller class |
CUCS2903Controller | UCS2903 controller class |
CVideo | |
CVideoFx | |
CVideoImpl | |
CWeakRef | |
CWeakReferent | |
CWS2801Controller | WS2801 controller class |
CWS2803Controller | WS2803 controller class |
CWS2811 | WS2811 controller class |
CWS2811_400 | WS2811_400 controller class |
CWS2811Controller400Khz | WS2811 controller class @ 400 KHz |
CWS2811Controller800Khz | WS2811 controller class @ 800 KHz |
CWS2812 | WS2812 controller class |
CWS2812B | WS2812B controller class |
CWS2812Controller800Khz | WS2812 controller class @ 800 KHz |
CWS2813 | WS2813 controller class |
CWS2813Controller | WS2813 controller class |
CWS2815 | WS2815 controller class |
CWS2815Controller | WS2815 controller class @ 400 KHz |
CWS2852 | WS2852 controller class |
CXMap | |
CXYMap | |