FastLED 3.9.14
No Matches
fl::XMap Member List

This is the complete list of members for fl::XMap, including all inherited members.

constructWithLookUpTable(uint16_t length, const uint16_t *lookUpTable, uint16_t offset=0) (defined in fl::XMap)fl::XMapstatic
constructWithUserFunction(uint16_t length, XFunction xFunction, uint16_t offset=0) (defined in fl::XMap)fl::XMapstatic
convertToLookUpTable() (defined in fl::XMap)fl::XMap
getLength() const (defined in fl::XMap)fl::XMap
getType() const (defined in fl::XMap)fl::XMap
kFunction enum value (defined in fl::XMap)fl::XMap
kLinear enum value (defined in fl::XMap)fl::XMap
kLookUpTable enum value (defined in fl::XMap)fl::XMap
kReverse enum value (defined in fl::XMap)fl::XMap
mapToIndex(uint16_t x) const (defined in fl::XMap)fl::XMap
operator()(uint16_t x) const (defined in fl::XMap)fl::XMapinline
operator=(const XMap &other) (defined in fl::XMap)fl::XMap
Type enum name (defined in fl::XMap)fl::XMap
XMap(uint16_t length, bool is_reverse=false, uint16_t offset=0) (defined in fl::XMap)fl::XMap
XMap(const XMap &other) (defined in fl::XMap)fl::XMap