► examples | |
► AnalogOutput | |
AnalogOutput.ino | Demonstrates how to use FastLED color functions even without a "pixel-addressible" smart LED strip |
► Apa102 | |
Apa102.ino | |
► Apa102HD | |
Apa102HD.ino | Example showing how to use the APA102HD gamma correction |
► Apa102HDOverride | |
Apa102HDOverride.ino | |
► Blink | |
Blink.ino | Blink the first LED of an LED strip |
► BlinkParallel | |
BlinkParallel.ino | Shows parallel usage of WS2812 strips |
► Blur | |
Blur.ino | |
► Blur2d | |
Blur2d.ino | |
► Chromancer | |
► gary_woos_wled_port | |
gary_woos_wled_ledmap.h | |
Chromancer.ino | |
detail.h | |
gen.py | |
mapping.h | |
net.h | |
ripple.h | |
screenmap.json.h | |
► ColorPalette | |
ColorPalette.ino | Demonstrates how to use Color Palettes |
► ColorTemperature | |
ColorTemperature.ino | Demonstrates how to use ColorTemperature based color correction |
► Cylon | |
Cylon.ino | An animation that moves a single LED back and forth (Larson Scanner effect) |
► DemoReel100 | |
DemoReel100.ino | FastLED "100 lines of code" demo reel, showing off some effects |
► Esp32S3I2SDemo | |
Esp32S3I2SDemo.ino | |
► EspI2SDemo | |
EspI2SDemo.ino | |
► Fire2012 | |
Fire2012.ino | Simple one-dimensional fire animation |
► Fire2012WithPalette | |
Fire2012WithPalette.ino | Simple one-dimensional fire animation with a programmable color palette |
► FirstLight | |
FirstLight.ino | Animate a white dot moving along a strip of LEDs |
► FxAnimartrix | |
FxAnimartrix.ino | |
► FxCylon | |
FxCylon.ino | |
► FxDemoReel100 | |
FxDemoReel100.ino | |
► FxEngine | |
FxEngine.ino | Demonstrates how to use the FxEngine to switch between different effects on a 2D LED matrix |
► FxFire2012 | |
FxFire2012.ino | |
► FxGfx2Video | |
FxGfx2Video.ino | |
► FxNoisePlusPalette | |
FxNoisePlusPalette.ino | |
► FxNoiseRing | |
FxNoiseRing.ino | |
timer.h | |
► FxPacifica | |
FxPacifica.ino | |
► FxPride2015 | |
FxPride2015.ino | |
► FxSdCard | |
FxSdCard.ino | |
► FxTwinkleFox | |
FxTwinkleFox.ino | |
► FxWater | |
FxWater.ino | |
► HD107 | |
HD107.ino | Example showing how to use the HD107 and HD which has built in gamma correction |
► LuminescentGrand | |
► arduino | |
buttons.h | |
LedRopeTCL.cpp | |
LedRopeTCL.h | |
MIDI.cpp | MIDI Library for the Arduino |
MIDI.h | MIDI Library for the Arduino |
MIDI.hpp | MIDI Library for the Arduino - Inline implementations |
midi_Defs.h | MIDI Library for the Arduino - Definitions |
midi_Message.h | MIDI Library for the Arduino - Message struct definition |
midi_Namespace.h | MIDI Library for the Arduino - Namespace declaration |
midi_Platform.h | MIDI Library for the Arduino - Platform @license MIT - Copyright (c) 2015 Francois Best |
midi_Settings.h | MIDI Library for the Arduino - Settings |
serialMIDI.h | MIDI Library for the Arduino - Platform @license MIT - Copyright (c) 2015 Francois Best |
ui_state.cpp | |
ui_state.h | |
► shared | |
ApproximatingFunction.h | |
color.cpp | |
color.h | |
color_mapper.cpp | |
color_mapper.h | |
defs.h | |
dprint.cpp | |
dprint.h | |
framebuffer.cpp | |
framebuffer.h | |
Keyboard.cpp | |
Keyboard.h | |
led_layout_array.cpp | |
led_layout_array.h | |
led_rope_interface.h | |
Painter.cpp | |
Painter.h | |
settings.h | |
util.cpp | |
util.h | |
LuminescentGrand.ino | |
► Multiple | |
► ArrayOfLedArrays | |
ArrayOfLedArrays.ino | Set up three LED strips, all running from an array of arrays |
► MirroringSample | |
MirroringSample.ino | Demonstrates how to use multiple LED strips, each with the same data |
► MultiArrays | |
MultiArrays.ino | Demonstrates how to use multiple LED strips, each with their own data |
► MultipleStripsInOneArray | |
MultipleStripsInOneArray.ino | Demonstrates how to use multiple LED strips, each with their own data in one shared array |
► OctoWS2811Demo | |
OctoWS2811Demo.ino | Demonstrates how to use OctoWS2811 output |
► ParallelOutputDemo | |
ParallelOutputDemo.ino | Demonstrates how to write to multiple strips simultaneously |
► Noise | |
Noise.ino | Demonstrates how to use noise generation on a 2D LED matrix |
► NoisePlayground | |
NoisePlayground.ino | Demonstrates how to use noise generation on a 2D LED matrix |
► NoisePlusPalette | |
NoisePlusPalette.ino | Demonstrates how to mix noise generation with color palettes on a 2D LED matrix |
► OctoWS2811 | |
OctoWS2811.ino | |
► Overclock | |
Overclock.ino | Demonstrates how to overclock a FastLED setup |
► Pacifica | |
Pacifica.ino | Gentle, blue-green ocean wave animation |
► PinMode | |
PinMode.ino | Checks that pinMode, digitalWrite and digitalRead work correctly |
► Pintest | |
Pintest.ino | Checks available pin outputs (for debugging) |
► Ports | |
► PJRCSpectrumAnalyzer | |
PJRCSpectrumAnalyzer.ino | Creates an impressive LED light show to music input on the Teensy |
► Pride2015 | |
Pride2015.ino | Animated, ever-changing rainbows |
► RGBCalibrate | |
RGBCalibrate.ino | Use this to determine what the RGB ordering for your LEDs should be |
► RGBSetDemo | |
RGBSetDemo.ino | Demonstrates how to create an LED group with CRGBArray |
► RGBW | |
RGBW.ino | |
► RGBWEmulated | |
RGBWEmulated.ino | |
► SmartMatrix | |
SmartMatrix.ino | Demonstrates how to use FastLED with the SmartMatrix library |
► TeensyMassiveParallel | |
TeensyMassiveParallel.ino | |
► TeensyParallel | |
TeensyParallel.ino | |
► TwinkleFox | |
TwinkleFox.ino | Twinkling "holiday" lights that fade in and out |
► wasm | |
wasm.ino | Demonstrates an advanced ino file with multiple effects and UI elements |
► WasmScreenCoords | |
WasmScreenCoords.ino | Simple test for screen coordinates in the web compiled version of FastLED |
► WS2816 | |
WS2816.ino | A blink example using the WS2816 controller |
► XYMatrix | |
XYMatrix.ino | Demonstrates how to use an XY position helper function with a 2D matrix |
► src | |
► fl | |
allocator.cpp | |
allocator.h | |
assert.h | |
bytestream.h | |
bytestreammemory.cpp | |
bytestreammemory.h | |
callback.h | |
circular_buffer.h | |
convert.h | |
dbg.h | |
deprecated.h | |
engine_events.cpp | |
engine_events.h | |
file_system.cpp | |
file_system.h | |
force_inline.h | |
has_define.h | |
inplacenew.h | |
insert_result.h | |
json.cpp | |
json.h | |
lut.h | |
map.h | |
math_macros.h | |
namespace.h | Implements the FastLED namespace macros |
pair.h | |
ptr.h | |
rectangular_draw_buffer.cpp | |
rectangular_draw_buffer.h | |
ref.cpp | |
register.h | |
scoped_ptr.h | |
screenmap.cpp | |
screenmap.h | |
set.h | |
singleton.h | |
slice.h | |
str.cpp | |
str.h | |
strstream.h | |
stub_main.cpp | |
template_magic.h | |
types.h | |
ui.h | |
unused.h | |
vector.h | |
virtual_if_not_avr.h | |
warn.h | |
xmap.cpp | |
xmap.h | |
xymap.cpp | |
xymap.h | |
► fx | |
► 1d | |
cylon.h | |
demoreel100.h | |
fire2012.h | |
noisewave.h | |
pacifica.h | |
pride2015.h | |
twinklefox.h | |
► 2d | |
animartrix.hpp | |
animartrix_detail.hpp | |
bilinear_expansion.cpp | Demonstrates how to mix noise generation with color palettes on a 2D LED matrix |
bilinear_expansion.h | Demonstrates how to mix noise generation with color palettes on a 2D LED matrix |
noisepalette.cpp | |
noisepalette.h | Demonstrates how to mix noise generation with color palettes on a 2D LED matrix |
redsquare.h | |
scale_up.cpp | |
scale_up.h | Expands a grid using bilinear interpolation and scaling up |
► detail | |
draw_context.h | |
fx_compositor.h | |
fx_layer.h | |
transition.h | |
► video | |
frame_interpolator.cpp | |
frame_interpolator.h | |
frame_tracker.cpp | |
frame_tracker.h | |
pixel_stream.cpp | |
pixel_stream.h | |
video_impl.cpp | |
video_impl.h | |
frame.cpp | |
frame.h | |
fx.h | |
fx1d.h | |
fx2d.h | |
fx_engine.cpp | |
fx_engine.h | |
time.cpp | |
time.h | |
video.cpp | |
video.h | |
► lib8tion | |
brightness_bitshifter.h | Defines brightness bitshifting functions |
intmap.h | Defines integer mapping functions |
lib8static.h | Defines static inlining macros for lib8tion functions |
math8.h | Fast, efficient 8-bit math functions specifically designed for high-performance LED programming |
qfx.h | |
random8.h | Fast, efficient random number generators specifically designed for high-performance LED programming |
scale8.h | Fast, efficient 8-bit scaling functions specifically designed for high-performance LED programming |
trig8.h | Fast, efficient 8-bit trigonometry functions specifically designed for high-performance LED programming |
types.h | Defines fractional types used for lib8tion functions |
► sensors | |
digital_pin.cpp | |
digital_pin.h | |
pir.cpp | |
pir.h | |
► third_party | |
► arduinojson | |
json.h | |
json.hpp | |
► espressif | |
► led_strip | |
► src | |
enabled.h | |
led_strip.h | |
led_strip_api.c | |
led_strip_interface.h | |
led_strip_rmt.h | |
led_strip_rmt_dev.c | |
led_strip_rmt_encoder.c | |
led_strip_rmt_encoder.h | |
led_strip_spi.h | |
led_strip_spi_dev.c | |
led_strip_types.h | |
► object_fled | |
► src | |
ObjectFLED.h | |
OjectFLED.cpp | |
► yves | |
► I2SClockLessLedDriveresp32s3 | |
► src | |
___pixeltypes.h | |
I2SClockLessLedDriveresp32s3.h | |
driver.h | |
allocator.h | |
bitswap.cpp | Functions for doing a rotation of bits/bytes used by parallel output |
bitswap.h | Functions for doing a rotation of bits/bytes used by parallel output |
chipsets.h | Contains the bulk of the definitions for the various LED chipsets supported |
chsv.h | Defines the hue, saturation, and value (HSV) pixel struct |
cled_controller.cpp | Base definitions used by led controllers for writing out led data |
cled_controller.h | Base definitions used by led controllers for writing out led data |
color.h | Contains definitions for color correction and temperature |
colorpalettes.cpp | Definitions for the predefined color palettes supplied by FastLED |
colorpalettes.h | Declarations for the predefined color palettes supplied by FastLED |
colorutils.cpp | Utility functions for color fill, palettes, blending, and more |
colorutils.h | Utility functions for color fill, palettes, blending, and more |
controller.h | Deprecated: base definitions used by led controllers for writing out led data |
cpixel_ledcontroller.h | Defines the templated version of the CLEDController class |
cpp_compat.h | Compatibility functions based on C++ version |
crgb.cpp | Utility functions for the red, green, and blue (RGB) pixel struct |
crgb.h | Defines the red, green, and blue (RGB) pixel struct |
crgb.hpp | Defines utility functions for the red, green, and blue (RGB) pixel struct |
dither_mode.h | Declares dithering options and types |
dmx.h | Defines the DMX512-based LED controllers |
engine_events.h | |
eorder.h | Defines color channel ordering enumerations |
FastLED.cpp | Central source file for FastLED, implements the CFastLED class/object |
FastLED.h | Central include file for FastLED, defines the CFastLED class/object |
fastled_config.h | Contains definitions that can be used to configure FastLED at compile time |
fastled_delay.h | Utility functions and classes for managing delay cycles |
fastled_progmem.h | Wrapper definitions to allow seamless use of PROGMEM in environments that have it |
fastpin.h | Class base definitions for defining fast pin access |
fastspi.h | Serial peripheral interface (SPI) definitions per platform |
fastspi_bitbang.h | Software SPI (aka bit-banging) support |
fastspi_dma.h | Direct memory access (DMA) functions for SPI interfaces |
fastspi_nop.h | Example of a NOP/stub class to show the SPI methods required by a chipset implementation |
fastspi_ref.h | Example of a hardware SPI support class |
fastspi_types.h | Data types and constants used by SPI interfaces |
file_system.h | |
five_bit_hd_gamma.cpp | Defines functions for five-bit gamma correction |
five_bit_hd_gamma.h | Declares functions for five-bit gamma correction |
force_inline.h | |
hsv2rgb.cpp | Functions to convert from the HSV colorspace to the RGB colorspace |
hsv2rgb.h | Functions to convert from the HSV colorspace to the RGB colorspace |
led_sysdefs.h | Determines which platform system definitions to include |
lib8tion.cpp | Fast, efficient 8-bit math functions specifically designed for high-performance LED programming |
lib8tion.h | Fast, efficient 8-bit math functions specifically designed for high-performance LED programming |
lut.h | |
math_macros.h | |
noise.cpp | Functions to generate and fill arrays with noise |
noise.h | Functions to generate and fill arrays with noise |
noisegen.h | Noise generation classes |
pixel_controller.h | Low level pixel data writing class |
pixel_iterator.h | Non-templated low level pixel data writing class |
pixelset.h | Declares classes for managing logical groups of LEDs |
pixeltypes.h | Includes defintions for RGB and HSV pixels |
platforms.cpp | Platform-specific functions and variables |
platforms.h | Determines which platforms headers to include |
power_mgt.cpp | Functions to limit the power used by FastLED |
power_mgt.h | Functions to limit the power used by FastLED |
ptr.h | |
register.h | |
rgbw.cpp | Functions for red, green, blue, white (RGBW) output |
rgbw.h | Functions for red, green, blue, white (RGBW) output |
scoped_ptr.h | |
screenmap.h | |
simplex.cpp | Implements simplex noise functions |
singleton.h | |
slice.h | |
str.h | |
transpose8x1_noinline.cpp | Defines the 8x1 transposition function |
transpose8x1_noinline.h | Declares the 8x1 transposition function |
types.h | |
wiring.cpp | Re-implementation of Arduino core functions |
xmap.h | |
xymap.h | |