FastLED 3.7.8
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Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 Color Correction/TemperatureDefinitions for color correction and light temperatures
 Color PalettesFunctions and class definitions for color palettes
 Palette ClassesClass definitions for color palettes
 Palette Color FunctionsFunctions to retrieve smooth color data from palettes
 Palette Upscaling FunctionsFunctions to upscale palettes from one type to another
 Predefined Color PalettesStock color palettes, only included when used
 Color Utility FunctionsA variety of functions for working with color, palettes, and leds
 Color Blending FunctionsFunctions for blending colors together
 Color Blurring FunctionsFunctions for blurring colors
 Color Fade FunctionsFunctions for fading LED arrays
 Color Fill FunctionsFunctions for filling LED arrays with colors and gradients
 Fast Math FunctionsFast, efficient 8-bit math functions specifically designed for high-performance LED programming
 Basic Math OperationsFast, efficient 8-bit math functions specifically designed for high-performance LED programming
 Dimming and Brightening FunctionsFunctions to dim or brighten data
 Easing FunctionsSpecify the rate of change of a parameter over time
 Fast Memory Functions for AVRAlternatives to memmove, memcpy, and memset that are faster on AVR than standard avr-libc 1.8
 Fast Random Number GeneratorsFast 8-bit and 16-bit unsigned random number generators
 Fast Trigonometry FunctionsFast 8-bit and 16-bit approximations of sin(x) and cos(x)
 Fixed-Point Fractional Types.Types for storing fractional data
 Float-to-Fixed and Fixed-to-Float ConversionsFunctions to convert between floating point and fixed point types
 Linear InterpolationFast linear interpolation functions, such as could be used for Perlin noise, etc
 Scaling FunctionsFast, efficient 8-bit scaling functions specifically designed for high-performance LED programming
 Scaling Functions that Leave R1 DirtyThese functions are more efficient for scaling multiple bytes at once, but require calling cleanup_R1() afterwards
 Waveform Beat GeneratorsWaveform generators that reset at a given number of "beats per minute" (BPM)
 Waveform GeneratorsGeneral purpose wave generator functions
 Gamma Adjustment FunctionsFunctions for applying gamma adjustments to LED data
 HSV to RGB Conversion FunctionsFunctions to convert from the HSV colorspace to the RGB colorspace
 LED Chipset ControllersImplementations of CLEDController classes for various led chipsets
 Clocked ChipsetsNominally SPI based, these chipsets have a data and a clock line
 Clockless ChipsetsThese chipsets have only a single data line
 Noise FunctionsFunctions to generate and fill arrays with noise
 Noise Fill FunctionsFunctions to fill a buffer with noise data
 Noise Generation FunctionsFunctions to generate noise
 Pixel Data SetsClasses for managing logical groups of LEDs
 Pixel Data Types (CRGB/CHSV)Structs that hold pixel color data
 Power Management FunctionsFunctions to limit the amount of power used by FastLED
 Timekeeping FunctionsTools for tracking and working with time