| allocator.cpp |
| allocator.h |
| bilinear_expansion.cpp |
| bilinear_expansion.h |
| bitswap.cpp |
| Functions for doing a rotation of bits/bytes used by parallel output.
| bitswap.h |
| Functions for doing a rotation of bits/bytes used by parallel output.
| callback.h |
| chipsets.h |
| Contains the bulk of the definitions for the various LED chipsets supported.
| chsv.h |
| cled_controller.h |
| color.h |
| Contains definitions for color correction and temperature.
| colorpalettes.cpp |
| Definitions for the predefined color palettes supplied by FastLED.
| colorpalettes.h |
| Declarations for the predefined color palettes supplied by FastLED.
| colorutils.cpp |
| Utility functions for color fill, palettes, blending, and more.
| colorutils.h |
| Utility functions for color fill, palettes, blending, and more.
| controller.h |
| base definitions used by led controllers for writing out led data
| cpixel_ledcontroller.h |
| cpp_compat.h |
| Compatibility functions based on C++ version.
| crgb.cpp |
| crgb.h |
| crgb.hpp |
| dither_mode.h |
| dmx.h |
| Defines the DMX512-based LED controllers.
| engine_events.cpp |
| engine_events.h |
| eorder.h |
| FastLED.cpp |
| Central source file for FastLED, implements the CFastLED class/object.
| FastLED.h |
| central include file for FastLED, defines the CFastLED class/object
| fastled_config.h |
| Contains definitions that can be used to configure FastLED at compile time.
| fastled_delay.h |
| Utility functions and classes for managing delay cycles.
| fastled_progmem.h |
| Wrapper definitions to allow seamless use of PROGMEM in environments that have it.
| fastpin.h |
| Class base definitions for defining fast pin access.
| fastspi.h |
| Serial peripheral interface (SPI) definitions per platform.
| fastspi_bitbang.h |
| Software SPI (aka bit-banging) support.
| fastspi_dma.h |
| Direct memory access (DMA) functions for SPI interfaces.
| fastspi_nop.h |
| Example of a NOP/stub class to show the SPI methods required by a chipset implementation.
| fastspi_ref.h |
| Example of a hardware SPI support class.
| fastspi_types.h |
| Data types and constants used by SPI interfaces.
| file_system.cpp |
| file_system.h |
| five_bit_hd_gamma.cpp |
| five_bit_hd_gamma.h |
| fixed_map.h |
| fixed_set.h |
| fixed_vector.h |
| force_inline.h |
| hsv2rgb.cpp |
| Functions to convert from the HSV colorspace to the RGB colorspace.
| hsv2rgb.h |
| Functions to convert from the HSV colorspace to the RGB colorspace.
| inplacenew.h |
| json.h |
| led_sysdefs.h |
| Determines which platform system definitions to include.
| lib8tion.cpp |
| Fast, efficient 8-bit math functions specifically designed for high-performance LED programming.
| lib8tion.h |
| Fast, efficient 8-bit math functions specifically designed for high-performance LED programming.
| lut.h |
| math_macros.h |
| namespace.h |
| noise.cpp |
| Functions to generate and fill arrays with noise.
| noise.h |
| Functions to generate and fill arrays with noise.
| noisegen.h |
| pixel_controller.h |
| pixel_iterator.h |
| pixelset.h |
| Declares classes for managing logical groups of LEDs.
| pixeltypes.h |
| platforms.cpp |
| Platform-specific functions and variables.
| platforms.h |
| Determines which platforms headers to include.
| power_mgt.cpp |
| Functions to limit the power used by FastLED.
| power_mgt.h |
| Functions to limit the power used by FastLED.
| qfx.h |
| ref.cpp |
| ref.h |
| register.h |
| rgbw.cpp |
| rgbw.h |
| scoped_ptr.h |
| screenmap.cpp |
| screenmap.h |
| simplex.cpp |
| singleton.h |
| slice.h |
| str.cpp |
| str.h |
| stub_main.cpp |
| template_magic.h |
| transpose8x1_noinline.cpp |
| transpose8x1_noinline.h |
| types.h |
| ui.h |
| warn.h |
| wiring.cpp |
| Re-implementation of Arduino core functions.
| xmap.h |
| xymap.cpp |
| xymap.h |